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How it all began

My story with music, which made a great impression on me, began in my early childhood, when I listened in to the sounds of one of Bytom’s churches. 

I was going to choir to watch the performance of the church organist. The organist COULD play and I could listen, listen, listen… This talented and sensitive old man noticed enchantment with music in the eyes and posture of the little boy. He would dedicate something specially for me at the end of each holy mass. On the way back home I would dream I could play the way he did. I made myself a keyboard from a cartoon box and pretended I was giving organ concerts on it. Sometimes the music impacted me in such a powerful way, I would get a fever , which each time would surprise and worry my mum.

In my opinion “good” music is able to awake imagination, inspire and play in one’s head long time after the sound of it has ended. The first time any piece of music made such an impression on me was when I listened to the soundtrack to the Forest Gump movie by Alan Silvestri. I played it over and over again the same night and cried moved by its unimaginable beauty. Yes, I believe that music can wake up very strong emotions from joyful happiness to tears. It can be touching and moving.

Siergiej Rachmaninow, Claude Debussy, Piotr Czajkowski and Mieczyslaw Karlowicz, are the composers, who inspire me the most. Speaking of film music composers I value the highest:  Ennio Morriconne, Dave Grusin, Alan Silvestri and John WilliamsAnd from the Polish school Andrzej Korzyński is a composer whom I admire. 

Why do I work with music?

It’s simple music has always been a big part of my life, it constantly plays in my head and I don’t want any break from it. It became my companion in almost any situation. I believe, that through composing, I can express myself and my feelings in a most communicative way. I think that it is possible to convene more through music than through a verbal speech, because it reaches straight to the human soul. That’s what I think.

Why film music?

This music apart from emotions, illustrates a story, dynamism and reminiscence. The music leads the film and the viewer, underlines important movie scenes. Writing such music is a very interesting and inspiring task.


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